Profiles ยป

This node displays the calculated values of all the variables. For Batch and PFR reactors, the values are shown at each finite element and collocation point used in the discretization of the differential equations. For CSTR reactors, the values correspond to the CSTR points, as described here.

Grid Views


Grid Views



The calculated values of all the variables are shown. Total Moles (or Total Mass values) for compounds, pseudocompounds and derived quantities are displayed. In the Phase tabs, compound values are shown in accordance to the option chosen in the Results parent node.

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Merge Sets/Unmerge Sets

Export to an Excel File

Quick Run

Open Solver

Merge Sets/Unmerge Sets

This is identical to the same action in the Measurements node.

Export to an Excel File

All the information in this node can be exported to Excel through this action.

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See Also: